Saturday, June 28, 2008

house to build - pampering to be done

I have been running around on the Internet all morning, and I came across this site, where you can buy houses ready to build. You get the boxes delivered, and you put the house together yourself. It's in Swedish, and there are not all that many alternatives for being creative. But it's a start. For $184 170 you would get the house I directed you to above.
This started a reaction in me, now I'm sitting here with pen and paper, drawing my own little houses. :)

I'm home alone this weekend and I feel like doing something special for myself. I'll be dyeing my hair, cooking nice meals and so on, but I feel I should do something more - something to remember.
I guess I have to figure something out.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 25 - Reflections

It feels like I have less and less time to write with a cup of tea by my side these days... There must be a change. There will be a change.
I love writing, it's not just a form of expression, it is just as much meditation. I get a chance to reflect on what's going on and I have a chance to review my inner monologue. We all need that from time to time.

The firestation across the street, Katarina Firestation, is getting a refreshing facelift in
its backgard. That doesn't mean that the men working as firefighters get a minute to rest

from their job. The picture shows them hurrying to aid when a fire-alarm came less than
an hour ago. Out of consideration of being placed in the middle of a residential street, they
never put their sirens on until they get well on their way.
This street is full of life, all hours of the day (and night), making it feel both fun and as you

are a part of a greater picture than just your own life. I feel connected.
For the past few days I have been walking to work, and in the process I have gotten a clearer picture of this city. Locations become logical, my inner map is getting packed with new information and now I even know where the royal castle is!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


There are many things you don't know about this blog, just by visiting. The hidden facts, something I see as fun and something you might enjoy as well.

The top ten countries visiting (% of total number of visitors) Petra's Notes are:
26.99% Sweden
19.54% United States
6.68% Israel
6.43% United Kingdom
3.60% Germany
2.57% Mauritius
2.57% Finland
2.57% Australia
2.31% Netherlands
1.80% Norway

9,3% visit longer than an hour.

41,6% of all users use Firefox.

41 countries are represented among the visitors.

65,6% of all visitors use Windows XP, while only 0,6% use Linux.

Most Swedes who visit my blog live in Växjö. Most US visitors live in Chico, California. Most Germans live in Hameln and most Israeli people live in Tel Aviv.

So, how did you all find this blog?
I looked up what search-words you have used, and it amused me!
Eddie Vedder came in first place, not surprising me at all. 'Estockholmo' in a respectable second place. Other words you searched on and found me are: i'm 60 years old , where am i going?, 29 june petra day in sweden, blue sky petra, this isn't me i'm not mechanical, and not to forget: ray mear :)

I hope I'm not the only one out there who love facts!

Too bad I've sorted away much of the old stuff, but I promise to fill this blog with new, fun posts :)

And I can tell you I now know of places I never heard of before. Cities I didn't know existed, to tell you the truth. It's fun to know something about you all, as you might understand. It's exciting to see the width of exposure, the people one can reach through such a simple thing as a blog.

Summer rain

Heavy rain pounds on the roofs and the streets. Grass fragile and brittle from weeks in the hot sun. Unforgiving rays, bringing the people out to enjoy the great beginning of this summer, but the grass under their feet is not soft and long, no not at all, it is short from breaking under the weight of people, breaking out of dehydration, dying in the dry days.
The streets look darker, dirt washed away and the birds seem to sing clearer, as if they found a small pond of water to sip from and clear their throats in.
Trees are out of bloom already, dead capsules of hope all over the streets, wishing of the next generation. But heavy rain, come crashing down, sweeping the hope away, down the drain...

Clouds separate in a silent divorce, giving us back the blue sky piece by piece.
I can hear voices, I can hear cars. I can hear music and I can hear the ocean.
The sounds of Stockholm after a hard summer rain.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

waking up

fragmented pieces of thoughts
whirl around
in the morning hours
like unsettled grains of dust
in a summer breeze

a cup of tea
a cup of love
a cup to wake me up
a cup I long for

good morning world
what is new today?
work work work
or is there something else at bay?