Saturday, November 15, 2008

The cruise, Christmas & the dirty-work

Went on a cruise Thursday-Friday with work. Very much fun and a chance to get to know people a little bit better. It was a conference trip, but it felt like we did more dining and partying! :) Not really a surprise to anyone, I guess.

Christmas is coming closer every day and I don't know what to do about it. I'll be working the whole holiday, so I can't really do much, but I don't want to wake up on January 2 and feel like I missed the whole thing... It's tricky. I'll have to make a good plan.
Good thing we're not all that traditional in this household.

This weekend will be all about taking care of all those things that never get a very high priority other days. It's time to to do the dirty-work, what is put off for so many reasons (mostly lack of time). I'm gonna organize my closet, go through all old photos, and other similarly boring activities. Got to be done.
Christmas is around the corner and I sure don't wanna be stuck with these things then!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


New job, new rutines and things to learn. I love it. Great people, nice office and good hours. No complaints.
In December I will be working ALL Christmas and New Years. Good as far as money goes, bad as far spending time with Rami... But he will work as well, so I guess we'll compensate on our birthdays. But that feels like a looong time from today.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive, well and got plenty of things going right now.