Sunday, December 7, 2008

Opeth, Christmas party & work

As December somehow is all about the countdown to Christmas, I feel a bit blue about working all Holidays... Even on New Years Eve. I know it will be nice and quite a good mood at work, but I really want to spend time with Rami and have a nice Holiday with him. Now it feels like I will miss most of the Christmas-joy, as both Rami and I work this Holiday season.
On the 18th, Rami and I will see Opeth live here in Stockholm. That will be so much fun! I promise you will see photos from the gig, either here or on Rami's blog.

This weekend was so needed! I haven't been able to sleep very well this week and it resulted in me being tired during the days (which never is fun). Rami and I have been going to restaurants (Indian on Friday and Italian today). Tomorrow, Sunday, we will do some shopping and next Friday is the big Christmas party with work. Colleagues from all over Sweden will join here in Stockholm for a big party! I bet it will be lots of fun! We are about 1200 ppl, so it's just too bad I work on Saturday... Oh, well, it could be worse. That is to worry about when I wake up on Saturday morning :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The cruise, Christmas & the dirty-work

Went on a cruise Thursday-Friday with work. Very much fun and a chance to get to know people a little bit better. It was a conference trip, but it felt like we did more dining and partying! :) Not really a surprise to anyone, I guess.

Christmas is coming closer every day and I don't know what to do about it. I'll be working the whole holiday, so I can't really do much, but I don't want to wake up on January 2 and feel like I missed the whole thing... It's tricky. I'll have to make a good plan.
Good thing we're not all that traditional in this household.

This weekend will be all about taking care of all those things that never get a very high priority other days. It's time to to do the dirty-work, what is put off for so many reasons (mostly lack of time). I'm gonna organize my closet, go through all old photos, and other similarly boring activities. Got to be done.
Christmas is around the corner and I sure don't wanna be stuck with these things then!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


New job, new rutines and things to learn. I love it. Great people, nice office and good hours. No complaints.
In December I will be working ALL Christmas and New Years. Good as far as money goes, bad as far spending time with Rami... But he will work as well, so I guess we'll compensate on our birthdays. But that feels like a looong time from today.

Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive, well and got plenty of things going right now.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sweden outdoors

There's nothing more interesting than the details of life.

The cemetery of Katarina church, Stockholm.

A field, horses and a sky filled with clouds.
Somewhere between Stockholm and Karlstad.

Some are just late bloomers.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Kitchen inspiration

Looking around for this, that and nothing, I stumbled across this lovely kitchen. I love dark kitchens.
Imagine a quiet Sunday morning, me baking lots of stuff :)

Fall fashion - a little wishlist

Sometimes it's so nice with a bit of eyecandy!
I must say I love Stylefeeder.
I can always find everything I dream of, and put it on my personal list to go back to the little gems whenever I desire :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Firemen unlock my frontdoor and leave - while I sleep

How was your morning? Good?
I wish I could say the same.
I woke up when I heard a man call out 'hello?' INSIDE the apartment. Then he closed the door. I didn't know if he was still in here or not, and listened for sounds, but instead I heard a firealarm. Yes, that must have been a fireman, I thought.
I get out of bed, look out the window and see all the neighbors gathered about 100 meters away. Now the panic start. I open the door to find nothing but the smell of a fire. I panic. Yeah, not the beautiful movie-panic, but the real thing. As if I'll die if I'm not out really fast.
I get the laptop, my VISA-card and not much more (I hope this doesn't reflect my personality too much).
Most of my panic comes from being left behind in a building that's burning down. They think nobody's left inside. They didn't see me.

So I pack up really fast, get dressed, and then run downstairs (can't take the elevator when there's a fire). I come outside in a hurry, to find a group of policemen and firemen, surprised to see someone still inside. So I come out with my handbag and the computer-bag. They seem too relaxed (since I must have been close to burning up, or something).
I walk up to them, and ask what's going on.
A policeman smiles at me, says someone burned the breakfast.
I must have looked surprised.
He goes on to tell me that everything is taken care of, and I can go wherever I need to be. I tell him that I was sleeping, not on my way at all, just that I thought I was gonna go up in flames if I didn't get out.
My heart was beating, I had hurried down not to die, I was puzzled and confused.
And they treated me like I was overreacting.

I am confused. I thought firemen actually SEARCHED for people when they go from apartment to apartment. Do they expect people to stand by the door, ready to be saved?
Guess it's like life in general: You gotta save yourself - nobody else will.
Not even firemen.

I am very upset.
This is not acceptable.
Firemen who take the privilege to open your front door with a key and then call 'hello', should have a responsibility to look in the BED to see if someone is there. They didn't even wait for me to answer. The only thing they accomplished was to make me think that I was left behind to die. Honestly, I have never had that much fear for my life (without a physical person putting the fear in me). And the police and firemen were so nonchalant. How the hell was I supposed to know someone burned their breakfast?? To me, the house was going down. I didn't think firemen had the right to unlock your door (and leave - thinking nobody is in there - the door still unlocked) for the sake of someones burned eggs or something.
When I commented on that, the police just said I could go back up to my apartment.

So, woke up thinking I was gonna be trapped by flames, turned out it was just a fireman who came to say hello. The fire alarm, the evacuation of everybody else but me... Now I know what will happen if there really is a big fire - they will leave one to die.
To add to this, I have to tell you that my apartment is 19 square meters. Very easy to search.

So sleep with one eye open, don't expect firemen to rescue you if you are sleeping. At least not if you live close to Katarina Firehouse in Stockholm.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Greatest Hits - already?(What is the musical legacy of the music-scene of today?)

Time rushes by terribly fast, doesn't it?
On TV I see my favorite music videos go by the name 'Greatest Hits'. What happened? Has it really been that many years, or is someone playing a trick on me? How old am I? 47? Not quite there yet, but they make me feel like a relic by calling the good old nineties 'Greatest Hits' - as if it's been 30 years.

And judging by the way I don't think much of the music of today, I guess I am older. No longer 16, no longer that easily impressed by songs about what everybody else sings about too.
Some songs are still loved by me (and others?), but some songs surprise me, that I ever liked. But I dodged a few bullets :) Like boy bands, girl bands, hip hop and so on.
But looking at these oldies from the nineties, I must say they were better. Bigger variety, larger number of music styles got good air-time. You didn't have to be thin and beautiful. Follow a style so tightly or be politically correct all the time. More one hit wonders, less factory made ready packages of 'this will work'-bands. Off course there were lot of shit, just like now, but at least it was THEIR shit, something the bands could stand behind. These days it seems to be too much influence from the record labels. That's just wrong! Sell outs, sure, but if you want to be on a major label, you have too. If you want to be able to make music for a living - and live well - you have too. There is no eye for artistical freedom or appreciation for the effort behind musical career. If artists hit the peak of their career at 23, what is left to work toward?
Teenagers know not what they will miss.
What is the musical legacy of the scene of today? Bling bling and booty? It's all about marketing everything but the music (since it sucks).
Middle class kids who've been served opinions all their life - they need true rebellion. True thoughts. Artists are great mind-openers. They give us new angles to issues of the day, give us a chance to stop and reflect.
There used to be many layers in music. I miss that. Give me layers, and I give you hope.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I have a jobinterview today, this afternoon to be exact.
I hope it goes well, cause I would love that job. Will tell you more in a later post.

The sun is out, not a single cloud in the sky - bet it's cold as hell!

I sit here with a cup of tea, my thoughts and plan for the day ahead of me. Not much planned so far, but the job interview kind of makes it hard to plan anything at all, cause I don't know how long it will take. And I'm still a bit tired, to be honest.

To go to a café for a job interview feels a bit strange. A café is a place I feel very comfortable, very at ease. A job interview is not. Dangerous combination.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Craft-shop with things I designed

I feel like designing things. Clothes, furniture, art, buildings, tools and books. I have so much, that I just need to get out of me. But the problem is, off course, money. Isn't it always?
I would love to have a small shop where I could sell my things. Have a little craft-shop in the back where I could be creative and get an outlet for all ideas I have. I need to dust off some ideas and make room for more. But to have a small store would be something to work towards. *mind off in a thought-bubble*

Will see what to do about this.
Expect sensational updates.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Cold nights

Autumn is my personal favorite of the seasons, but unfortunately it comes with cold winds and a promise of snow before long. But I can bare it. The beauty of autumn is all I need, to accept that we have not yet seen the worst this year have to bring (even thou February is the officially coldest month of the year, so I guess I have seen the worst).
On Thursday I will be on a job interview. My second in a week. Very different workplaces. Guess I'll have more to tell in a few days.

My sister just told me the cutest of news the other day: she and Martina are getting a kitten! Will promise to make a model out of that sweet little thing and post pics in the future.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Waiting for the explosion!

Autumn, my personal favorite among seasons, is here!
I'm still waiting for the explosion of colors, as the leaves chance in to a more mature palette, but I love the calm and more relaxed season. It brings on time for reflection, a chance to sit at home and watch movies, drink tea and chat about everything. I am looking forward to the release of all the winter catalogs, filled with inspiration for the wardrobe.

I feel restless, not knowing what is in store for me. The near future is turning out to be filled with questions that seeks answers. Right now I just enjoy the days and hours that slowly pass me by, stroking my senses and my inquisitive mind.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Stockholm's Day

The date 080808 is Stockholm's Day, as far as the locals are concerned. It's an evening filled with friendly 'water-war', party, fireworks and dancing the night away. This is because 08 is the area code for Stockholm (national phone code's local number). So everybody's going a bit crazy this Friday, or should I say crazier?
Children born today get a lifetime's free pass to Gröna Lund, the amusement park in the city. People who's birthday is today get to enter for free this lovely day.
7.000 people signed up for a friendly water-war between the north side and the south side of the city. I belong to the south side, so I hope we won! :) The water-war was supposed to take place in Gamla Stan (The Old City), a small central island, but it turned out to be too small! They moved the water-war to the much bigger part of the city called Östermalm. That's where my workplace is, but it was calm when I left, lucky me.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Time to feel good!

A weekend I have longed for. Rest, comfort and being busy doing the things you never have time for in the middle of everything else. A luxury to treasure, these weekends. I have no plans, just plenty of time to feel good and take care of the little details that bring smiles to my face.
In a little more than a week, my sister and Martina is coming over here to stay with us! Sandra and Martina is coming to Stockholm and I am so happy about it! I haven't seen them since January, so it's about time! :) There's Stockholm Pride to see and partake in. There are long walks on Södermalm, showing them our favorite places and fantastic viewpoints on this island. Tea to be tasted, buns to be devoured and conversations to be had.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Electricity down, Hello Kitty says 'hi' & a boatride in Stockholm

I was visiting Gröna Lund, the amusement park here in Stockholm with a group of
people from work.
The rollercoaster was stuck, as the electricity failed. People were
trapped up there for hours!

Södermalm, the island Rami and I live on,
seen from the boat when I left Gröna Lund. We live right by the
church seen in the middle of the photo.

Hello Kitty is seen everywhere!
Here featured on a bike, what a cute greeting!

Rami and I on one of our recent walks in the city.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

house to build - pampering to be done

I have been running around on the Internet all morning, and I came across this site, where you can buy houses ready to build. You get the boxes delivered, and you put the house together yourself. It's in Swedish, and there are not all that many alternatives for being creative. But it's a start. For $184 170 you would get the house I directed you to above.
This started a reaction in me, now I'm sitting here with pen and paper, drawing my own little houses. :)

I'm home alone this weekend and I feel like doing something special for myself. I'll be dyeing my hair, cooking nice meals and so on, but I feel I should do something more - something to remember.
I guess I have to figure something out.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

June 25 - Reflections

It feels like I have less and less time to write with a cup of tea by my side these days... There must be a change. There will be a change.
I love writing, it's not just a form of expression, it is just as much meditation. I get a chance to reflect on what's going on and I have a chance to review my inner monologue. We all need that from time to time.

The firestation across the street, Katarina Firestation, is getting a refreshing facelift in
its backgard. That doesn't mean that the men working as firefighters get a minute to rest

from their job. The picture shows them hurrying to aid when a fire-alarm came less than
an hour ago. Out of consideration of being placed in the middle of a residential street, they
never put their sirens on until they get well on their way.
This street is full of life, all hours of the day (and night), making it feel both fun and as you

are a part of a greater picture than just your own life. I feel connected.
For the past few days I have been walking to work, and in the process I have gotten a clearer picture of this city. Locations become logical, my inner map is getting packed with new information and now I even know where the royal castle is!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


There are many things you don't know about this blog, just by visiting. The hidden facts, something I see as fun and something you might enjoy as well.

The top ten countries visiting (% of total number of visitors) Petra's Notes are:
26.99% Sweden
19.54% United States
6.68% Israel
6.43% United Kingdom
3.60% Germany
2.57% Mauritius
2.57% Finland
2.57% Australia
2.31% Netherlands
1.80% Norway

9,3% visit longer than an hour.

41,6% of all users use Firefox.

41 countries are represented among the visitors.

65,6% of all visitors use Windows XP, while only 0,6% use Linux.

Most Swedes who visit my blog live in Växjö. Most US visitors live in Chico, California. Most Germans live in Hameln and most Israeli people live in Tel Aviv.

So, how did you all find this blog?
I looked up what search-words you have used, and it amused me!
Eddie Vedder came in first place, not surprising me at all. 'Estockholmo' in a respectable second place. Other words you searched on and found me are: i'm 60 years old , where am i going?, 29 june petra day in sweden, blue sky petra, this isn't me i'm not mechanical, and not to forget: ray mear :)

I hope I'm not the only one out there who love facts!

Too bad I've sorted away much of the old stuff, but I promise to fill this blog with new, fun posts :)

And I can tell you I now know of places I never heard of before. Cities I didn't know existed, to tell you the truth. It's fun to know something about you all, as you might understand. It's exciting to see the width of exposure, the people one can reach through such a simple thing as a blog.

Summer rain

Heavy rain pounds on the roofs and the streets. Grass fragile and brittle from weeks in the hot sun. Unforgiving rays, bringing the people out to enjoy the great beginning of this summer, but the grass under their feet is not soft and long, no not at all, it is short from breaking under the weight of people, breaking out of dehydration, dying in the dry days.
The streets look darker, dirt washed away and the birds seem to sing clearer, as if they found a small pond of water to sip from and clear their throats in.
Trees are out of bloom already, dead capsules of hope all over the streets, wishing of the next generation. But heavy rain, come crashing down, sweeping the hope away, down the drain...

Clouds separate in a silent divorce, giving us back the blue sky piece by piece.
I can hear voices, I can hear cars. I can hear music and I can hear the ocean.
The sounds of Stockholm after a hard summer rain.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

waking up

fragmented pieces of thoughts
whirl around
in the morning hours
like unsettled grains of dust
in a summer breeze

a cup of tea
a cup of love
a cup to wake me up
a cup I long for

good morning world
what is new today?
work work work
or is there something else at bay?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nailed down

A mind
bent out of shape
disfigured and rotten
in the corners of existence

Loops of fear
before the thoughts connect
bringing sanity
within mental reach

Nailed down
to the skull
drilled in deep
to prevent implosion

A mind
heavy with the burden
of complete enlightenment
A closed circle - broken only by the outer world

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Uniqe world in all of us

The best movies are books.
I came to that conclusion yesterday.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hail to Earth

Deep blue sky
fills the universe
as far as we can see
black that is so blue

Stained world
dirty with
fingerprints of

Roads as lines
on the aging beauty
on a dying bride