Sunday, January 4, 2009

The diplomatic route

Christmas has come and gone. It is a new year, with new challenges and new things to dream about. And new things to invest in, such as in a camera, which I bought today here in Stockholm. Promise to post photos very soon :)
The new year began with a lovely party at Mia, where we watched the fireworks after having a wonderful dinner. It was a great way to start the new year and I have good feelings that 2009 will be a very good year, in deed.

It is colder than usual here in Stockholm this winter. Maybe global warming is to blame, but for the moment I'll take the diplomatic route and blame it on the temperamental Swedish weather. Less snow than it tends to be, I fear the worst is still ahead. By now, the streets usually are lined with dirty, mushy wet snow and a calm silence rests over the city (any city, for that matter). But with the absence of snow, the sounds are the same as always, it's dark and it's bitterly cold.

Now it's time to end this week on as high a note as possible - so I'm off to do some laundry!


Rami said...

I guess the weatherman read your complaints and snow is coming :-)

Petra said...

I guess so, love :)

what a great day it will be tomorrow - taking a million photos!!